The logo for Gaza Champions: Four hands holding each others wrists in a square

Become a Champion

Championing a fund means you take on an existing GoFundMe for a Gazan family and do your best to fundraise using online and offline methods.

This could include posting on your social media, hosting a fundraiser dinner, raffling art or other goods, or other creative ideas. We have a collection of crowdsourced ideas, so you wouldn't be starting from scratch when it comes to planning!

It is a big commitment, and can be a bit daunting, but it is also extremely rewarding and meaningful - and you won't be alone! You would be supported by a community of champions around the world who are sharing ideas, information, and support.

Become A Champion

Connect your account

Many Palestinians in Gaza are unable to set up a GoFundMe due to restrictions on GoFundMe (and other fundraising platforms) for connecting Palestinian bank accounts to the website.

For this reason many Palestinians have set up an initial fundraising page but need someone in the West to connect their bank account, and then commit to transfering the money to the desired recipient. Or they have been unable to set up a GoFundMe at all and need support to do that

Set up or connect a GoFundMe